Security Solutions Built for Connected Vehicles

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"Finite State's continuous monitoring plays a crucial part in our ability to surface both regulatory and compliance needs"

Are You Equipped to Meet Core Requirements?

Secure by Design Principles

Cybersecurity measures must be implemented throughout the product lifecycle to reduce vulnerabilities in automotive systems and enhance resilience against cyber threats.

Continuous Monitoring

Automotive systems must be monitored in real-time to detect potential security threats, anomalies, or vulnerabilities before they can be exploited.

Ongoing Risk Assessments

Manufacturers must conduct regular assessments to identify, evaluate, and prioritize risks in their automotive systems to stay ahead of evolving threats. 

Software Bill of Materials

A detailed list of all software components within a vehicle must be maintained, including any open-source and third-party components. 

Incident Response Planning

Automotive manufacturers must have a comprehensive strategy for detecting, responding to, and recovering from cybersecurity incidents. 

Supply Chain Management

Third-party vendor and supplier management protocols must be implemented to ensure that every component used in vehicles meets cybersecurity standards.

Platform Overview

Meet Your Partners In Automotive Security

Automotive Compliance Resources